Boarding School Seminars

Powerful advice from insiders. For free.

Boarding schools are increasingly adept at introducing themselves online — and admissions officers and boarding school insiders are eager to help applicants connect and succeed in the admissions process. 

Sesameed Boarding School Seminars are a fast and  convenient way to learn more about US boarding schools from wherever you are in the world—and in many cases, our seminars include admissions directors or heads of schools themselves!  We also cover wider topics about how to succeed in school and life. There’s no better way to get detailed, accurate information about boarding school and the admission process.  

In addition our live seminars from leading boarding schools, we offer a selection of videos and pre-recorded seminars. 

Sign up for any webinar that interests you: these seminars are free!  Gather the whole family to learn about how boarding school can open up a world of possibilities for students today.

Upcoming Sesameed School Admission Seminars include: